Guiding Your

Self-Discovery To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Veritas Omnia Vincit

My Approach

Each one of us has the ability, from a very early age, to achieve our full potential and be the happiest our soul desires.

And Then Life Happens!

The process of growing up, influences from family and friends, education, and societal rules, karma – all play a part in speeding up or hindering our development in fulfilling our life’s purpose.

In a session, I take a look at your inherent personality traits, your gifts, your talents, the potential you have to achieve your destiny, as well as any obstacles that may lie in your path.

To provide the best possible session for you, I use a blending of techniques: Life Path Counseling, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Astrology, Palmistry, Physiognomy, and Numerology.

Did you know that you carry a coded blueprint of your life in your palm? Using my intuitive ability, combined with a mastery of palmistry, unlocks this code to uncover your capabilities, talents, potential, and strengths.

To see details on sessions, timing, and special offers, click here

What Others Say...

“Working with Zahid has been a true blessing in my life.  He’s a natural born teacher who shares his wisdom and knowledge in a very caring way. For me he is like the Deepak Chopra of the East coast.  With his guidance, I’m uncovering my authentic self and true purpose.”


“Working with Zahid is a priceless experience. I have learned techniques to resolve inner struggles and conflicts, and to deal with panic and anxiety. With his guidance, I have found inner peace, and a deeper understanding of life and relationships. I am now able to lead a happier, healthier, and more disciplined life.”


“To Zahid, my teacher, guide, and friend…thank you from my heart for planting the seeds that germinate and grow into sprouts with the light of each new day. I am very excited… new awareness, growth and opportunities… in me, and around me, and through me. You are a blessing to me and to all whose lives you touch. Looking forward to more insightful – and fun – sessions with you.”


“The results from the astrological readings of Zahid opened my view of fundamental relationships and enabled me to see my roles, positions, blockages and talents. My view of astrology has changed fundamentally as a result. It creates orientation for the situation in life and a deep look into our blockages and potential.”


“Within 2 years, all your predictions came true about marriage, job, and children.”


“I’ve had many readings. Not till today have I had such an accurate reading with so much information and true guidance for my next steps.”


“You helped me find the right place for my family to thrive, and for my career to blossom.”


“You have taught me self-worth, better relationship interactions, shielding, and how to turn my life around. I cannot thank you enough!”


“Have had so many readings from psychics and tarot readers – no one has explained it like you do, or creates this safe environment with so much knowledge. You even explained my mission in life after my near-death experience.”