(A session usually takes an hour, but may be longer depending on the individual nature of the session)

Comprehensive Life Path Reading – $197 

Don’t we all want to know what lies ahead – what we are meant to learn, achieve, and fulfill in our lifetime?

I analyze your inherent strengths, talents, capabilities, and challenges as presented in your natal astrological chart.

A study of the secret code in your hands reveals traits you have inherited, timing of events, and the the life direction that is destined for you.

So that you remember the salient points laid out for you during the session, I include a Professional Astrological Report.


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Clearing the BioEnergy Field – $197

Do you ever find yourself stuck, caught in daily struggle? Do you ever feel unappreciated, powerless, hurt, misunderstood, suffer from emotional trauma or karmic predispositions?

All these experiences that you go through leave behind energy imprints on a cellular level. Through repetition and similar thought patterns, these imprints soon show up in your multidimensional energy field as obstacles. The bigger and denser they become, the more you get out of alignment with your soul’s mission.

To help you regain your footing on your life path,

  • I scan your physical body and your human energy field for contractions.
  • I then determine the severity and manifestation of those energy blockages, which areas of life they affect, and what created them.
  • The next step is removing (clearing out) the energy residues that created them.
  • I then proceed to re-balance, re-energize, and re-empower you so that self-healing on all levels can now begin.

The life of happiness, success, and well-being is waiting to manifest!

Please note that Karmic and long-term blockage build-ups may require more than one session to fully clear. Follow up sessions are $160 each. ____________________________________________________________

Life-Path Reading + BioEnergy Field Clearing Package – $297 (separately $394) 

First you get a comprehensive life-path reading with Zahid with all the bells and whistles. This is followed by an energy-clearing session with Bunny. Together, the two sessions have proven to be astoundingly beneficial enabling you to proceed through life with new knowledge and a heartening lightness, according to the testimonials from our many clients.

“Zahid and Bunny are truly a dynamic duo. They are a combination of warmth and loving hands that embrace you with the wisdom and guidance of teachers that have mastered the ability to help you heal.

The combination package has been an incredible adventure resulting in sound life-changing decisions that Zahid brought out in his analytical guidance. Bunny cleared out my emotional blockages, and, within weeks, changes and opportunities that I could never imagine orchestrating or manipulating started unfolding in my life.

I wish I had gone to them sooner!”


Relationship – Romantic or Partnership – $250

The star charts can guide you to understand the chemistry between two people in managing the challenges and rewards in a relationship.

Are your zodiac signs compatible? Do you seek  guidance for a harmonious partnership? Find out what is in the stars for a romantic relationship, or a business partnership. Or even to explore the best approaches to win over your parent.

In a parent-child relationship, this reading sheds light on the unspoken needs of your child, leading to more harmonious interactions. I guide you in how to approach your child, and speak with them in a way that they understand and appreciate you.

Birth information including time of birth is necessary for both persons.


Solar Return – Session including report – $197; Report only – $60

Once a year, the sun returns to the exact same place where it was at the time of your birth. This reading gives you a look into what themes await you in the coming year of your life with the upcoming influences of the planets.

 For example, the placement of Mercury in your solar return indicates the area in your life in which your mind is engaged in the coming year. Saturn may mean where you will be tested. Venus is where you will get attention or strive to gain attention and be assertive regarding what you want. Jupiter shows opportunities. Uranus is where you break away, let go, wake-up and change. All the planets are addressed and included so you know how to maximize the planetary effects for your coming year. 


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Setting Up Your Environment for Success – $220

Our home holds energies and vibrations that we send out with either attention and appreciation, or neglect and clutter. This energy reflects back to us. For example, clutter creates confusion and frustration. A lack of change keeps your life energy stagnant. Change creates space to allow expansion.

With the principles of practical Western Feng Shui, I create an easy-to-follow plan for you to bring harmony, well-being, and success back into your life. This can be applied to your home, your office, or just a room. 


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The Art of Letting Go Workshop – $797

Living is Life’s only purpose”, said the famous Indian guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897-1981).

The platform from which we act, react, and interact daily contains patterns forged from birth by our many limitations, rules, beliefs, and expectations from everyone around us. Subconscious roles emerge and we put in hard work to be good at them, even though they may not truly serve us.

There is no question of failure or judgment since each step in a journey brings us nearer our goal in learning, discovering, unfolding the purpose of our life, which, ‘Abraham’ says, “…is to live life in joy, being thrilled with our involvement in the expansion of consciousness“.

In this unique workshop, tailored to your specific needs, I guide you to take a frank, honest look at the roles you assumed from birth. Together we discover which roles truly define who you are meant to be and let go of those which are not serving you any longer.

Since it’s taken a lifetime to build up these roles, it takes multiple sessions to unravel the complexities of sometimes hidden, subconscious motives that no longer serve you in your pursuit of happiness.

This intense “Art of Letting Go” workshop propels you forward on your unique soul path, rediscovering your joy, passion, self-worth, and confidence.

“Working with you, I am finally at peace with myself, after so many years. You helped me to truly reconnect with and understand my father. I no longer let others dictate my life. Your teachings about positive mind and open heart remind me of Thich Nhat Hanh. I am ever so grateful for your gentle, effective guidance.” – Ken B.-Finland


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What’s Preventing My Great Relationship? – $597 ($397 if combined with The Art of Letting Go Workshop)

We will explore together the origin of unhappy, malfunctioning relationships. What did attract you? What did/does not work?

What patterns did you pick  up from your parents? What matters really for you in a relationship?

We will uncover the core qualities you are searching for and create a “plan of action” specific to you.

This workshop includes a soul-star clearing session and visualization exercise.

The workshop by itself takes 6 sessions. If combined with the Art of Letting Go Workshop, it takes 4 sessions.


The Ultimate Package – $987 ($1350 for separate sessions)

“Working with Bunny and Zahid is the most valuable action I have taken for my personal development!” – C.R.

A multi-level, comprehensive combination of insightful sessions to guide you in uncovering your authentic self, true purpose, and deeper meaning of life, including:

  1. Astro-Palmistry Reading
  2. Energy Field Clearing Session
  3. Soul-Path Reading
  4. Releasing Childhood Conditioning
  5. Relationships:
    • Compatibility
    • Clearer Vision
  6. Practical Action Steps
