Re-Energize Your Power Within

Our many experiences through life constantly change our self-image. We are exposed to rules, opinions, judgments, teachings, beliefs, and advice which condition us, form patterns of behavior, and often leave behind deep emotional imprints in our subconscious mind.

The results are roles we take on, labels which seem to define us, and energy blockages in our multi-dimensional human energy field.

My mission is to guide you with intuitive counseling, and help you with specific energy techniques, to let go of what is not serving you, and reconnect you with who you are meant to be, resulting in re-energizing your innate power, allowing your uniqueness to once again be expressed in your self-esteem, liberating you to accomplish your dreams and your destiny.

What Others Say...

Bunny has always been a strong conduit of energy channeled through her secondary hand chakra. As a Master Practitioner of IET®, she uses her intuitive guidance to detect and release imbalances and obstructions in your energy field. Obstructions are created by karma, stress, anxiety, distress, or judgment. Bunny gently releases these limiting energy patterns from the past – empowering, energizing, and re-balancing you.


Bunny is my angel of healing. We had several sessions of discovery through her gifts to determine my energy barriers and how to release them with a plan that was unique to me. She helped me release generational patterns, unraveling layers of hurts, issues, and pain. Her healing hands and heart helped me to open up and receive all that God and the Universe has for me. I let go of my perceptions around myself to see who I am.


Bunny works with a lot of intuition, life experience, knowledge of human nature and humor. The experiences of childhood, the roles we have appropriated, the characteristics and potentials that we represent, are what we worked to transform for my highest good.


Bunny’s gift of love is so profound. Fear is no longer a part of my life. I read the chart every day. I use it as a guide and mentor. I am striving to bring the real me to light. I feel safe, knowing that Bunny will be guiding me all the way.


The “Art of Letting Go” workshop with Bunny changed my life. After a serious accident, my coping mechanism (outdoor sports) fell away from one day tothe next. All the emotional pain and self-doubt I had packed away for the past decades resurfaced almost paralyzing my feelings. Bunny gave me the warm support I needed during this difficult time. She guided my lost soul through the emotional jungle and forced me gently to stay with the process moving forward. I have never met another person with such a bundle of knowledge in her field and dedication to help people! I fully recommend her and her counseling. For sure, she will be the first person I contact if I struggle in future again.


I feel so blessed to have met you when I was looking for a “wise, older woman” to help me when I felt stuck. After clearings and the “Letting Go” workshop, my life has taken on a different dimension. I no longer want to ‘make things happen’, but let them unfold. I know myself better. I feel at peace.


Working with you, I am finally at peace with myself, after so many years. You helped me to truly reconnect with and understand my father. I no longer let others dictate my life. Your teachings about positive mind and open heart remind me of Thich Nhat Hanh. I am ever so grateful for your gentle, effective guidance.


Your energy clearing helped so much. I felt the warmth and saw the golden light throughout my body, especially the liver. I feel light and positive, You are pretty awesome!


After our energy clearing session, I experienced a lot of magical moments and met new, amazing people. Everything in my life seems to unfold easily and joyfully. I am so grateful to have connected with you. We all can’t wait to meet you in person in Switzerland.

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