About Us

About Bunny

Bunny has been described as “a gentle being, a patient teacher, simplifying the sometimes complex truths of life, and guiding others by opening one door at a time to the higher wisdom of the universe”.

Born in Germany in northeast Bavaria, Bunny worked for 40 years as an international educator using not only psychology, but also exploring spiritual healing paths. She incorporated Kundalini Yoga, Kinesiology, herbal wisdom passed down from her German grandmother, crystal work, and Reiki into her everyday interaction with students and clients.

Bunny has always been a strong conduit of energy channeled through her secondary hand chakras. She used it intuitively until her Reiki Master suggested that she must be a lightworker and she should look for workshops and classes.

So when the opportunity presented itself to take part in a certification level energy therapy course, she felt the calling to make this the next step in her life.

Now avidly interested, Bunny went on to become a very sought after Master Practitioner and Master Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy©.

Quote: “Bunny is my angel of healing. In several sessions, she determined my energy barriers and helped me release them with a plan that was unique to me and very effective. With her work, I could release generational patterns, layers of hurts, karmic issues, and once again be in control of my life.” – Ch.R.

Bunny now expanded her energy clearing sessions to include life coaching workshops to create greater awareness of the origin of deeply anchored conditioning and patterns.

About Zahid

Zahid has been referred to as “the real deal” by his many clients – one who gives compassionate, meaningful guidance, and interpretation of the concepts of the metaphysical.

It is always Zahid’s aim to help you understand your mission in life, recognize your potential and talents, and guide you with easy to follow steps to achieve your goals.

Zahid has lived on three different continents – in the US since 1996 after having lived 24 years in Switzerland and a childhood in Bangladesh.

Zahid was born into a noble Bengali/Indian family of Nawabs and several generations of famous healers, astrologers, and palmists.  Early in life, Zahid showed signs of having inherited his forefathers’ intuitive metaphysical abilities when he gave his first intuitive reading at the age of eight for a young police officer of his father’s precinct. All that he predicted came true.

Fast forward many years, and the intense pressure of a senior corporate position caused Zahid to have 3 heart attacks. His final wake-up call came when he had a near-death experience in the last surgery. His guiding spirits made it clear to him he was to return and complete his life’s mission.

This ultimately forced Zahid to rethink his life’s purpose and refocus on his innate talents and inherited gifts.

Next to his ongoing studies in Astrology and Palmistry, he obtained certifications as an NLP Master Practitioner/Trainer, Regression therapist, Success Life Coach, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology – all in order to better serve you.